Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Rhema Academy

With the beginning of the official new school year just around the corner, there seems to be a buzz going on about naming your homeschool. I love reading and hearing what other families name their homeschool and the reasons behind it. It really is fascinating to me to peer inside these families as they open up about what their homeschool is all about. It is incredible the amount of research and thought that they put into their homeschool name.

Growing up in California some 25 (gasp!!) years ago, my parents legally had to have a name for our homeschool. Christs' Way is My Way. That was our name. It stood for our dedication to follow the Way of the Master in everything we did-life, school, family. As I got older, it never fit on any financial aid application or life history form, sheesh! It stood out with our Lord's name first, there was no mistaking we were Christians. I didn't always live up to that name either. Nobody is perfect, but it was a declaration to myself and the world that we were set apart.

Now life has come to one of it's full circles and my husband and I are teaching our children at home with the same dedication to our Savior and our family that my parents passed on to us.

Our homeschool is Rhema Academy. Rhema: God-Breathed, Living and Active Word that speaks to one's spirit for direction or guidance. We depend on the life-giving Word of God to direct our every day. He is the source we draw life and light from. Without His life-giving Word, there is no life. God is always Life and Light and Love. Not to sound new-age at all. I'm talking about the true source of Life, the rhema word God spoke when He created the world, the rhema word that is living and active penetrating both bone and marrow, soul and spirit. (Heb. 4:12)We go to the Word every day and ask for the Lord to give us the rhema we need for each day: the life, the strength, the light, His Love.

Homeschooling is a day-to-day adventure. Sure, we plan our days, weeks and even an entire year with curriculum and activities, but daily listening to the leading of the Holy Spirit and tuning in to His plan is even more important. We submit our plans to Him and are blessed by following it. God is so good, He is full of honor and he blesses those who honor Him. We want to live in His blessings and bring honor to Him.

So, Rhema Academy is our homeschool name. Reminding us to daily go to our source of life and daily follow His leading.

Your turn, what's your homeschool name and why? I can't wait to hear about it.


thebookbaglady said...

I think the name idea is a great one. I've read it on other blogs, too. I really like the name you have for yours. I think ours has been something like "Flying By The Seat Of My Pants Academy". This year we are doing Classical Conversations so we will be much more organized. Hmm. I'll have to think about it. Nice post.

Creekermom said...

Our name is Sycamore Hill Christian Academy

For the longest time my earliest memory of bible stories was that of Zacchaeus and the Sycamore Tree
So that has been our name for the past 4 yrs.

I am over at Homeschoolblogger and The Homeschool


Louisville, KY