Wednesday, January 27, 2010

More Mm is for mittens

Here is the inside of our Mitten lapbook.

From Jan Brett's website: We made a large mitten pocket and the animals to put inside to re-tell the story.

Mm tracing from First-School

She used her blocks to add her mitten math.

I cute out a mitten shape from our plastic canvas so she could practice sewing and lacing.

Remeber those mitten templates I was going to use? Well, here they are! Different colors for a review activity of some of the recent letters we've done. I had her match the capital and lower-case letters and then practice the sound, and say a word or two for each letter.

Mitten Measuring from Hubbards Cupboard

Mitten ABC match. The printable book is from I printed it in mini-book size and had my preschooler match the printed alphabet with some ABC stickers I bought at Walmart. One of her favorite activities!

This was alot of fun for my preschooler. You know it's a great learning experience when your little one keeps bringing out her finished lapbook to do the activities over and over again! Now if only it would SNOW!!!!

1 comment:

H0MEFree said...

So great! You are doing the coolest stuff with E!!